Friday, July 12, 2013

And the journey begins..........

    As of last week we were officially accepted into our homeschool cover school that we were hoping to get into. I stressed over that way more than necessary as I do about everything, but WE MADE IT! Now I get to start the journey through curriculum and I am slightly overwhelmed by where to start and what to do, but thanks to all the amazing women out there who have already made blogs about this sort I have somewhere to turn. Our cover school let me know that for a 2nd grader curriculum is not all that necessary. I mean look at the how much you can learn and all the information you can gather from the internet. So I am considering not buying very much and making my own from free resources. 

  In order to decide what Trey is going to learn this year I asked him what he was interested in and what he thinks he would enjoy knowing more about. Here are his answers.

1. Benjamin Franklin

2. China

3. How to ride a skateboard

4. Spanish

5. Goats

6. How to play a guitar

7. Gardening 

So guess what we are going to be learning about this year! That's right I am going to be one of those crazy ladies who lets their childs interest pave the way for their future. Now I know that he didn't list learn my multiplication tables anywhere in there but I think I may throw it in for good measure. 

What am I saying it's summer no time to worry about all of this we should be outside playing not stressing over school! There is plenty of time to do that when the weather isn't this nice. 


  1. So excited for you. :) We are most likely going to home school Emma and I'm glad we are in VA for it. There are a ton of co-ops here. I have read a ton of blogs as well and I have a friend from church who is going to let me borrow her preschool books. :) Good Luck!!!

    1. The cover school that we are going through is in Moody and it has a co-op that meets every Friday. They also have field trips at least once a month so I am excited about that. I talked to your mom about homeschool and she seemed pretty interested.
